I am an ardent reader, and like most readers, I have my own list of favorite books, newspapers and columns. I write too, albeit occasionally but I
did not have to include that, did I?
My parents and elder brothers and others slightly older than I am brag
about being the Whispers generation. They got to enjoy their weekly column
written by the son of the soil, of the stories of Pajero and the Investment. He
was and still is one of the most celebrated writers this country had. I was not
old enough to enjoy his work but Goat Matata tales did it for me.
I want to pay tribute in no particular order,
to the men and women who complete my week, and make me pick up the newspaper
first thing whenever I get home. They might never get to even read this but I
will take my chances.
The Surgeon’s Diary every Sunday is a masterpiece